

1. 天启之王 (The King of Apocalypse)
2. 金色华尔兹 (Golden Waltz)
3. 古韵琴心 (Ancient Melodies)
4. 梦幻演奏家 (Dreamy Maestros)
5. 星辰守护者 (Stellar Guardians)
6. 凤凰传奇 (Phoenix Legend)
7. 海洋之心 (Heart of the Ocean)
8. 东方缘 (Eastern Destiny)
9. 龙腾九霄 (Dragons Soaring the Skies)
10. 绿意盎然 (Abundant Greenery)
11. 沧海一粟 (A Grain in the Vast Sea)
12. 梵音启迪 (Enlightened by Vedic Chants)
13. 拂尘法师 (Dust-Shaking Monks)
14. 唯美风情 (Exquisite Aesthetics)
15. 纸上谜团 (Puzzles on Paper)